On the evolution of a sub-C class flare: a showcase for the capabilities of the revamped Catania Solar Telescope
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Solar flare forecasting using morphological properties of sunspot groups
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Homologous White Light Solar Flares Driven by Photospheric Shear Motions
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Observational Evidence of a Flux Rope within a Sunspot Umbra
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Filament destabilization and CME release during a long duration flare
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Solar observations carried out at the INAF - Catania Astrophysical Observatory
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Flare forecasting based on sunspot-groups characteristics
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RHESSI and TRACE observations of an M 2.5 flare: a direct application of the Kopp and Pneuman model
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A statistical analysis of sunspot groups hosting M and X flares
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AFS dynamic evolution during the emergence of an active region
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A statistical analysis on sunspot-groups correlated to M and X flares
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A statistical approach to the spot-flare connection
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Coordinated space and ground-based observations of rapidly evolving active regions
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Solar Patrol at Catania Astrophysical Observatory
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